New 999 video call service launches for sign language users

Last year, Ofcom announced new rules to provide a free video relay service for British Sign Language (BSL) users in order give them access via an interpreter to the emergency services. This service has now gone live!

What is 999 BSL?

999 BSL is a service that connects you to British Sign Language Interpreters remotely through an app or a web-based platform, who then will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities. This service has been set up so that no deaf person will be excluded when they need to make an emergency call, therefore saving lives.

Learn more

  • 999BSL have a dedicated website packed with resources to assist you such as;
  • Distribution materials to educate your employees
  • Videos on how to make a 999 BSL call
  • When to use 999 BSL
  • Factsheets

You can download the app and also watch a step-by-step video tutorial on how the service works by clicking here

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