HSE report all time low for recorded fatalities in the workplace

The HSE report all time low for recorded fatalities in the workplace.

The latest figures show that between April 2019 and March 2020, 111 people were killed in Great Britain while doing their job, the lowest year on record.

Whilst this news is encouraging to hear we must stop to remember and think about the devastating  consequences that this has had such as:

  • 111 people have lost their life
  • 111 families have lost someone they love and can now only cherish the memories of their son, daughter, mother, father,  sister,  brother, grandparent and other family members
  • 111 companies have lost a vital member of their team
  • grieving loved ones have attended 111 funeral ceremonies

Th effects of a workplace fatality ripple further and at least;

  • 111 people have lost a work colleague
  • 111 emergency services would have been dispatched
  • 111 investigations are taking place
  • 111 prosecutions may be forthcoming, with unlimited fines awarded
  • 111 potential prison sentences for corporate manslaughter may be served
  • 111 people may have or need support such as counselling or other mental health support

Further to the fatalities The Health & Safety Executive Key figures for Great Britain (2018/19) conclude that:

  • 4 million working people suffering from a work-related illness
  • 2,446 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2018)
  • 111 workers killed at work (2019/20)
  • 581,000 working people sustaining an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey
  • 69,208 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR
  • 2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • £15 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions (2017/18)

In these unprecedented times organisations are looking to cut budgets and see themselves asking the common question “What can we cut to save money, do we really need Safety Training at this time”

The answer is Yes you need safety training now more than ever. Not only is it is a legal requirement but much more importantly safety training will benefit your business in many ways such as:

  • Increased morale amongst employees who feel safe, well and looked after
  • Reduced number of absenteeism improving productivity
  • A trusted safe, reliable workplace with increased opportunities
  • Admired industry reputation to be proud of
  • Loyal healthy, motivated employees
  • Excellent relationships with customers and suppliers that build a solid reputation
  • Save money on recruitment, training, prosecutions and increased insurance premiums

It’s time to think strategically on where the cuts will happen, but we advise that Safety Training should not be the victim!

Essential 6