Dementia Training – 6 reasons why every company should invest

There are reports showing over 850,000 people in the UK currently have Dementia and although symptoms are predominantly in people over the age of 65, it can occur to almost anyone at almost any stage of life.

Potentially there are people within your organisation who are already showing early signs of dementia and it’s important to recognise the symptoms to offer them the best support possible.

One of the key ways companies can help is to provide staff with Dementia Training which covers the essential tools for how you and your employees can spot signs of dementia and how to help people with dementia in the workplace.

These are the Essential 6 top reasons why your company needs Dementia Training:

  1. To spot signs of Dementia within a member of your staff.

This could be as simple as noticing personality changes. Has someone become forgetful or unable to think clearly recently? Are they having trouble communicating or becoming agitated over things which wouldn’t normally bother them?

  1. To recognise that Dementia is a progressive degenerative brain disorder.

Currently there is no cure for Dementia and over time symptoms could become worse and affect the attendance, performance and well-being of your employee. Dementia Training offers advice to cope with changes and supports personnel throughout your organisation.

  1. To comply with the law when supporting a member of staff with Dementia.

There are laws safeguarding the welfare and quality of life of employees with Dementia. The Equality Act 2010 protects people from discrimination and employers have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all members of staff as well as temporary staff and contractors.

  1. To raise awareness among your staff.

Due to the nature of Dementia and the outward symptoms, it is important for all members of staff to work together to understand the impact of living with Dementia and be aware of the difficulties that person may face with communication and the workplace environment.

  1. To make the physical environment Dementia-friendly.

There are small changes which can be made to the working environment which can make things easier for a member of staff or member of the public with Dementia. Making your workplace Dementia-friendly, e.g. choosing natural colours and having indoor plants can make a big difference.

  1. To gain recognition for being Dementia-aware, social responsibilities and CPD training.

An often overlooked benefit to companies investing in Dementia Training is the recognition gained from the accreditation for the company and staff who undertake the training. Dementia Training counts towards CPD for your staff and corporate social responsibilities.

When considering Dementia Training for your company and staff there are short term and long term benefits to both your company and reputation as well as providing the quality of personal care to your employees, visitors and contractors.

In Dementia Awareness Week, Essential 6 is offering companies the opportunity to learn more about dementia and the effects of dementia. We are running courses throughout the year for individuals and teams to participate in courses to understand more about dementia and how to help people with dementia in the work environment.

Essential 6 provide courses such as Dementia Excellence or Dementia Awareness . Our Dementia Nurses can consult your organisation in this area and create bespoke courses and support solutions subject to your needs.

Essential 6